With over 30 years’ experience I can’t think of a better person to choose as a guide for a record book Bull Tahr hunt.

I enjoyed hunting with Snow last year on my first Tahr hunt. We had a fabulous time in a great spot that certainly can produce some great trophies as my 14&1/2 inch Bull Tahr shows. Snow is a great guy to be with on the mountains, he carefully picked a route and pace to maximise our chances, while being manageable for someone in his fifties! I saw over 50 nannies and around 15 bulls, all of which looked like shooters to my untrained eye. Due to the great weather we passed up a few 12 inch trophy bulls as Snow reckoned if we could get a little higher we should see something better which we did. At over 2 kilometres Snow picked my Bull as something extra special and planned a special stalk to close to under 250 meters. I did my part with 30/06 and eventually the Bull was mine. The accommodation and companionship was great and I’m going back to hunt Chamois with Snow shortly. With over 30 years’ experience I can’t think of a better person to choose as a guide for a record book Bull Tahr hunt.